Saturday, 14 June 2008


This is my dad when he was 20 and I absolutely love this photo! He looks a bit like Pete Doherty, and someone just caught him.

And for everyone who's interested in the musch-munu-musch-munö song. I finally found it! But, I'll save that one for a later post. :)

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Just another cheesy post about how much we miss each other

Since Alex is complaining about the lack of posts in this blog, I guess I'll have to do something about it. All for you Alex.

We've all left Rape Alley now, and it feels quite sad. Rape Alley is probably the best thing in my life right now (right next to the money that we didn't have to use for the rent over the summer. Oh, and Rock Band is also the best thing in my life, it doesn't matter that I've never played it)!

Anyway, what I want to say is that I miss Rape Alley aswell. Not the blog posts, but the house and the people that lived (and still live, or just used to hang around) there. I love you all.

But ok, let's not get sentimental. We'll be back soon. Until then, here's a pic of the alley that we all can take a look at whenever we feel sad:

Monday, 2 June 2008

My love!

I want to be able to do this every day. I can't imagine myself here in Carlisle without her. Stina is an amazing person, she's not easy to get to know, but now I do and I don't want to spend one day away from her. She's been by my side from the first day I got here and no one can or will replace her. Stina I hope you know how much I'm going to miss you!

Now I just took the worldrecord in being cheesy.