Wednesday 7 May 2008

Hate this song. Love these boys.

I haven't raised my voice in this blog yet. So now everybody, here I am. I'm not in the studio today. Stuck in my bed with something in my throat (I'm not going to explain the details). It's hard to speak actually. It's easier to write, and just show a random you tube-video of two awesome guys (I'm sure you have already seen it but wtf) Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA hahhahhahaha aaaahhhh. :D

Glasögonkillen 0:50, det är pure gold vad fan.

benjamin said...

Den korta killen ser ut som en blandning av Ryan Atwood i O.C. och Drew Carey. Den långa som Seth + Gollum. Har jag inte rätt? I vilket fall borde dom få en egen tvshow.

Robbie said...

one day, these fine men will have beautiful wives and be very rich, if there is any Justice in the world.